Leading Product Solution Provider In Water Management


K B Ajmera > Solutions


Globally leading technology and sophisticated craftsmanship come together with experience, design, and a solutions-driven approach with KB Ajmera to deliver the most optimum water supply system solutions across a range of applications. Backed by extensive research, and an in-depth understanding of how the entire system works from supply to drainage, we are able to provide the most comprehensive solutions in the construction landscape today.


Working with global leaders in the field of water management systems, KB Ajmera has designed solutions for general surface water management to even the most complex in-building drainage applications. With special emphasis on the durability, quality, convenience, and sustainability of design, our product solutions approach delivers the perfect balance of form and function.


Typically placed on the outside of a building structure, the external drainage system offerings by KB Ajmera, while naturally focused on delivering the most efficient, safe, and cost-effective solutions, also lay equal emphasis on going beyond the call of duty to enhance convenience in the form of easy maintenance and space-saving approaches. Designed using the most advanced equipment and technology, these drainage systems are installed keeping long-term application in mind.


Although it comes in towards the latter part of the water management cycle for a space, a landscape drainage system is the strongest indicator of the overall health of a building or cluster of buildings. Having studied these extremely closely, the landscape drainage system solutions devised by KB Ajmera have been curated keeping a range of worst-case-scenarios in mind to ensure that, at any given point of time, your drainage system is functioning at full potential.


Presenting a whole other layer of complication to do with health and hygiene, especially with the components that get washed into the drainage cycle from kitchens large and small, kitchen drainage systems around the world have had to upgrade themselves in the most innovative manners possible. Working on preventive care for the same, we at KB Ajmera, strongly believe that investing in the right equipment including quality floor drainage is not only recommended, but inevitable in the long run, as we offer you the most intricate and least complicated systems to work with on a daily basis.


Critical to the overall efficiency and long-term functioning of any drainage systems, fat, oil and grease separators are a must-have for all commercial kitchens, malls, catering agencies, and industries that produce a similar format of waste. The separator technology solutions devised by KB Ajmera, in tandem with some of the leading names in the industry result in ease of installation, maintenance, operation, and thereby overall usability. These corrosion resistant products have been designed keeping a varying range of differential density of wastes, space constraints, and longevity of service life in mind, making them the most suitable for your application.

Swiss Plumbing Solutions


Having served the plumbing and water management industry for so long, we understand that there is always a new form of application that comes by that needs a hyper-customized solution of water supply and drainage. With an expert management team, the most advanced technology, products, and hardware solutions, we are able to converge our proficiencies into technically-sound solutions for the application at hand. Some of these end up entering mainstream construction, while others remain specific to the particular case on hand.